On 01/10/22 (2 months earlier than planned!), Veer was born. After a 6 week stay in hospital, he came home ready to live with Gina and his parents full time. Initially a teeny-tiny baby, he’s a “Veer-ocious” eater, and is getting bigger and stronger and cuter by the day.
February 2022 – We got a dog!
On 12/02/2022 we got Gina. A gorgeous black Labrador, with the best and most tolerant temperament we’ve seen in human or animal! She turned 1 on 17/02/2022. We got her as she was training to be a working dog with the fire brigade, but unfortunately (for the fire brigade!) failed her test. So now we have a lovely, well trained, and super clever Labrador of our very own 😀
August 2021 – We moved to Oxford!
The Turret in Wheatley, near Oxford is our new home. We moved on 27/08/2021, not long after we got married. It’ll take a little TLC, but we’ll make it our own.